Save A Life

We collect donations from the public and private sector which are used to help fund orphanages and provide
assistance to the less fortunate in Africa

Nourishing Hearts: Afrobenelux Aid Foundation Mission to Feed Orphanages in Nigeria

In the bustling city of Benin city, Nigeria, where the vibrant culture and vibrant colors seem to mask the stark realities of poverty, there exists a beacon of hope – the Afrobenelux Aid Foundation. With our unwavering commitment to the welfare of orphans and the less fortunate, Afrobenelux Aid organization is making waves and changing lives.

On a warm, sunny morning, our group of dedicated volunteers from Afrobenelux Aid Foundation embarked on a mission that would warm not only the bellies but also the hearts of many. Their goal? To purchase and deliver essential food items to orphanages in need.

The journey began with careful planning and meticulous organization. The team, led by the foundation’s co-founder, Kelvin Johnson, had worked tirelessly to raise funds and gather donations from generous individuals. Our vision was simple yet profound: to provide nutritious meals and a sense of security to orphaned children who had often known only hardship and uncertainty.

Armed with a shopping list that included rice, beans, maize, cooking oil, and other staples, the Afrobenelux Aid team set out to local markets with an excitement that mirrored the anticipation of the children who would soon receive these provisions. 

As we filled the carts with bags of rice and baskets of vegetables, our team couldn’t help but reflect on the impact of our actions. Each item we selected was not just a mere purchase; it was a promise of nourishment, a symbol of hope, and a testament to the power of collective action.

With the trucks loaded and the donations carefully packed, our team set off on a journey to the orphanages. The roads, though sometimes challenging, were a testament to the resilience and determination of those who traversed them. Hours later, we arrived at the destination – a cluster of modest buildings that were home to scores of orphaned children.

The children, their eyes filled with curiosity and wonder, gathered around as the Afrobenelux Aid team began to unload the precious cargo. Kelvin Johnson and her team distributed the food items with smiles that radiated warmth and compassion. They knew that, beyond the rice and beans, they were delivering a message to these children: “You are not alone, and you are loved.”

As the children received the provisions, their laughter and joy filled the air. It was a reminder that, in the face of adversity, there is still room for happiness and hope. The Afrobenelux Aid Foundation had not just provided sustenance; they had sown the seeds of resilience and dreams for a brighter future.

The mission to buy food items for orphanages in Nigeria was a testament to the transformative power of compassion and collective effort. Afrobenelux Aid Foundation continues to be a shining example of how a small group of dedicated individuals can make a world of difference. Their commitment to nurturing both the bodies and souls of those in need is a source of inspiration to us all, reminding us that the simplest acts of kindness can create ripples of positive change that touch lives and leave a lasting legacy of hope.


We are a non-profit organization supporting Orphaned Children in Liberia and West Africa.
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Account info:
Afrobenelux AID VZW BE78 7370 6216 1986

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